
ASNC Presents at Multi-Modality Imaging Meeting Sponsored by Cuban Cardiology Society

ASNC's President Raymond Russell, MD, PhD, FASNC, presided over a number of sessions at last month's “Taller de Imagen Multimodal en Cardiologia,” 

ASNC's President Raymond Russell, MD, PhD, FASNC, presided over a number of sessions at last month's “Taller de Imagen Multimodal en Cardiologia,” an international educational event held in Havana, Cuba, and sponsored by the Cuban Cardiology Society. Dr. Russell addressed topics such as nuclear cardiology best practices and cardio-oncology, including key points from ASNC's information statement The Role of Clinical Effectiveness of Multimodality Imaging in the Management of Cardiac Complications of Cancer and Cancer Therapy

In collaboration with the European Society of Cardiology, Dr. Russell and Immediate Past Chair of ASNC's International Committee Joao Vitola, MD, led a discussion about international expansion and efforts to promote global adoption of nuclear cardiology. Among other ASNC leaders representing the Society in Cuba were Board Member Gabriel Grossman, MD, PhD, FASNC, of Brazil; Past Board Member Mario Garcia, MD, of New York; and PET Task Force Member Marcelo DiCarli, MD.



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