
Prepare for the AUC Mandate: Take These Steps ASAP

ASNC successfully pushed for the initial delay of the appropriate use criteria (AUC) mandate, which was slated to begin Jan. 1, 2017, and remains focused on persuading legislators to enact a second delay to give clinicians and vendors sufficient time to prepare.
In conjunction with its advocacy efforts, ASNC is urging members to learn about the AUC mandate, share information with their referring provider colleagues and take steps to ensure they will be in compliance by early 2018.
Get Prepared for the AUC Mandate
As currently envisioned by CMS, the AUC Mandate program will require that any physician who orders an advanced imaging test must use a clinical decision support mechanism (CDSM) to consult the AUC. A free, web-based tool will be available, but experts expect incorporating it into clinical workflows will be challenging. On each use, the CDSM will generate a number that must be recorded on the reimbursement claim form. If the claim form does not include a valid number, the imaging physician will not be paid for performing the service.
Practices, Take These Steps ASAP
  1. Research and buy a CDSM. CMS plans to post a list of approved CDSMs by June 30, 2017.
  2. Train staff to use the CDSM and ensure they understand which information must be included on claims.
  3. Teach physicians who order advanced imaging tests about the program and the information needed for claims to be processed correctly.
Learn more about the AUC mandate and how to prepare for its implementation.  



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