
ASNC Members Turn Out in Force for ICNC2017

Attendees from 58 countries gathered in Vienna last month for the International Nuclear Conference on Cardiac CT (ICNC2017), an event organized by ASNC, the European Society of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) and the European Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI).
“ICNC2017 was a great success because it brought together nuclear cardiologists from around the world to learn from one another,” says ASNC 2017 President Raymond Russell, MD, PhD, FASNC. “One especially valuable aspect was the emphasis research and accomplishments of trainees and junior members of the field.”
A new addition to ICNC2017 was “Speed Mentoring,” where early-career participants had the opportunity to meet with internationally renowned experts. Attendees at all stages of their careers enjoyed the keynote address, “The Future of Nuclear Cardiology,” by Journal of Nuclear Cardiology Editor-in-Chief Ami E. Iskandrian, MD, MASNC.
ASNC was well represented throughout the conference:  30 percent of scientific attendees were ASNC members, and the organizing committee included ASNC President-Elect Prem Soman, MD, PhD, FASNC, and ASNC Vice President Robert Beanlands, MD, FASNC, as the program chair for ASNC and the conference's organizing co-chair, respectively.
“The ASNC team looks forward to working with our colleagues at EANM and EACVI to build on the success of this year's meeting,” adds Dr. Russell. “We're already looking forward to ICNC 2019.”



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