ASNC Sets Up Hurricane Relief Fundraiser with American Red Cross
- By: admin
- On: 09/01/2017 11:15:03
- In: Membership
We at ASNC want to do our part with the efforts so we set up a fundraising campaign in conjunction with the American Red Cross.
As a non-profit in healthcare, we know the unique challenges organizations can face, but nothing compares to alleviating human suffering in the face of emergencies such as Hurricane Harvey. The devastation in the Houston area is catastrophic and recovery will require the support of many, spanning over several years. Our thoughts are extended to the entire community and to our members and their patients. Join ASNC and Help Those in Need!
to American Red Cross to support Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts
As a personal aside, I've had the good fortune to attend school and practice in the Houston area for over 10 years. The relationships and fond memories I established make this an extra special cause to me. But I speak on behalf of our staff and board of directors--Our heartfelt thoughts are with everyone that has been affected by this tragic force of nature.
Raymond Russell, MD, PhD
ASNC President
& Staff