
ASNC Around the World: Members Participate in International Conferences

ASNC continues to grow its international partnerships and opportunities for collaboration by participating in a variety of conferences aimed at improving cardiovascular care.
Back from Brazil
ASNC representatives joined more than 1,400 attendees at the 7th Brazilian Conference of Cardiovascular Imaging, held Oct. 5-7 in Rio de Janeiro, in conjunction with the 4th World Summit in Echocardiography. ASNC's 2017 President Raymond R. Russell, III, MD, PhD, MASNC, Board of Directors Member Gabriel Grossman, MD, PhD, FASNC, and International Advisory Council Past Chair Joao Vitola, MD, PhD, MASNC, were among Society members who presented at the conference.
En Route to Mexico
The 30th Conference of the Mexican Society of Cardiology (MSC) took place Nov. 1-5 in Guadalajara. ASNC President-Elect Prem Soman, MD, FASNC, and Adriana Cecilia Puente, MD, will co-chair a special joint session hosted by ASNC and the MSC.
Save the Date for Australia
ASNC will participate in the 12th World Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, April 20-24 in Melbourne. Committed to promoting global translation of molecular medicine, incorporating the translation of basic laboratory research to clinical practice, establishing clinical and technical standards and sharing molecular medical technology with developing countries, the Congress will be of value to nuclear medicine specialists, medical imaging trainees, physicists, scientists, nurses and the broader medical and scientific community.
Abstracts submission deadline: Nov. 22, 2017. 

More information about the 12th World Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Bilology 



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