Welcome, ASNC 2018 President Prem Soman, MD, PhD, FASNC
- By: admin
- On: 12/15/2017 11:39:51
- In: Membership
ASNC rings in the new year by welcoming a new president to the organization. Prem Soman, MD, PhD, FASNC, follows Raymond R. Russell, III, MD, PhD, MASNC
as ASNC's president and the chair of the Board of Directors. Please join us in thanking Dr. Russell for his leadership and service. We look forward to his continued participation in ASNC activities. A member of ASNC since 2004 and a Fellow since 2006, Soman has participated in several ASNC activities, such as chairing ASNC's Leadership Development Program committee, planning Scientific Sessions and coauthoring guidelines. Watch as he shares his “unbound optimism for the future of the field and the organization” and his priorities for the year ahead.
View official press release