
New! Webinar:Learn how ImageGuide helps with required reporting; Changes to QPP

On Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2018, ASNC will be hosting a webinar entitled "ASNC Advocacy: 2018 Quality Payment Program Update" at 12:00pm EST.
This webinar is free for ASNC members; $75 for non-members.Become an ASNC member and save

The purpose of this webinar is to learn about changes to the Quality Payment Program (QPP) for year two and learn about ASNC's ImageGuide as a solution to required reporting.

Also, you will gain insight on what you need to know to avoid a negative payment update and how you could possibly earn an incentive in 2020.   
Speakers: Camille Bonta, MHS Summit Health Consulting; Joe Reyes ASNC's Specialist, Quality Improvement Projects (ImageGuide)



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