
ASNC2018 Registration Now Open

ASNC's 2018 Scientific Session will be THE meeting of the year for nuclear cardiology teams, an unparalleled opportunity to participate in personalized, real-world, collaborative education focused on quality imaging for optimal patient care. At ASNC2018, you'll enjoy—
  • The Mario Verani keynote by Kim Allan Williams, MD, MACC, MASNC, FAHA, FESC
  • NEW! Full educational line-up on Thursday, Sept. 6, including Tait Shanafelt, MD, addressing physician burnout; a special practical-plenary on how to integrate PET into your practice; and much more
  • The return of Cases with the Aces, plus the all-new Image-Guided Patient Management Track led by master clinicians, and brand-new hands-on PET and SPECT workshops
  • Elevating Patients' Voices:  Several ASNC2018 sessions will highlight the perspectives of patients from the Amyloidosis Foundation, Stop Sarcoidosis Foundation, and WomenHeart
  • How-to learning focused on heart disease in women, cardiac amyloidosis, and other disease states
  • Team-based Core Curriculum, with nuclear cardiology teams presenting their best solutions to daily imaging challenges
  • Pointers for implementing the latest guidelines, including Clinical Quantification of Myocardial Blood Flow Using PET
  • Deep-dives on machine learning, molecular imaging, and more fast-evolving innovations
  • Presidents' Imaging Roundtable, where imaging society leaders will examine “the Value-Add” of specific studies and multimodality approaches
  • Walk & Learn Tours: Explore fabulous San Francisco attractions while you discuss nuclear cardiology developments with ASNC past presidents and earn continuing education credits
  • 25th anniversary celebratory events and opportunities
  • And much more!
ASNC2018 will be held Sept. 6-9 at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis. Book your travel to ensure you'll arrive in time for the full educational program on Thursday, Sept. 6, and register now!  



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