
Members React: Program Preview Showcases Deep, Diverse Educational Opportunities at ASNC2018

Nuclear cardiology professionals are giving the ASNC2018 Preliminary Program two thumbs-up and moving fast to book their travel to San Francisco, so as not to miss a minute of the Sept. 6-9 Annual Scientific Session.
This year's program “may be one of the best I've seen,” says Stephen Bloom MD, FASNC, director of noninvasive imaging at Heart & Vascular Specialists in Kansas City, Mo. He's planning to attend many of the meeting's sessions and workshops but has his eye on two in particular. “Multisocietal Consensus Recommendations on Imaging in Cardiac Amyloidosis” is at the top of his list because of the opportunities ahead. “Cardiologists will be in the front line with other specialists in diagnosing amyloidosis, which may be more prevalent than we once thought.”
Dr. Bloom says the timing couldn't be better for “Advances of PET Perfusion and Flow Reserve.” After years of interpreting SPECT, his practice is beginning to perform PET imaging with both dynamic flow measurements with perfusion as well as FDG for viability and inflammatory diseases, such as myocarditis/sarcoidosis. “Some of these protocols are challenging,” he explains, “and the ASNC meeting will allow us to listen, learn and ask questions of experts so we can learn what's needed to perform them properly.”
PET sessions are a top ASNC2018 attraction for Mary L. Ciervo, BSc, CNMT, RT(N), LNMT, as well. As the technical director of nuclear medicine at North Suffolk Cardiology in Centereach, N.Y., she's eager to attend the many ASNC2018 sessions addressing “the hows and whys of PET” while hearing from experts about what “the future is holding for SPECT-only labs”.  

ASNC's case-based tracks are the main attraction for Andrew Higgins, MD, a heart failure and critical care cardiology fellow at the Cleveland Clinic. He's looking forward to attending his first ASNC annual meeting, particularly for “the case-based sessions on the evolving role of advanced imaging in patients with new-onset nonischemic cardiomyopathies as well as in patients with a history of prior complex revascularization,” he says. “Modern multi-modality imaging is becoming a critical tool for the cardiac intensivist, and I am eager to see everything ASNC2018 has to offer.”

The Program Committee is making the meeting's beautiful host city with, among other things, Walk & Learn Tours with Past Presidents. “I've never been to San Francisco and am looking forward to exploring the city while talking about nuclear cardiology topics with colleagues,” says Gabriel Grossman, MD, PhD, FASNC, of the Hospital Moinhos de Vento in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

What about you? Which parts of ASNC2018 are you most excited to participate in? Check out the Preliminary Program and share your feedback using #ASNC2018

ASNC2018 Discounted Housing Rates End on August 13.



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