
Dr. Brian G. Abbott will become the 23rd President of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) on January 1st, 2016

Dr. Abbott is an Associate Professor at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, and Co-Director of Cardiovascular Imaging for the Cardiovascular Institute of the Rhode Island, Miriam, and Newport Hospitals. He is a general cardiologist and cardiac imager, actively involved in teaching of Cardiology Fellows, Internal Medical Residents and Medical Students at Brown.
Dr. Abbott has been an active member of ASNC for the past 15 years. He was an inaugural participant in the first year of ASNC's Leadership Development Program, in 2001, a program designed to guide junior members on a pathway to leadership in the society. Given his interest in postgraduate medical education he served as faculty as well as in the organization and planning of a variety of ASNC's educational programs for Physicians, Fellows, and Technologists. He was Program Chair of the ASNC 2007 Annual Scientific Sessions in San Diego, and more recently served as Chair of the Education Committee from 2011-13. He has served on the Board of Directors, and for the past 5 years on ASNC's Executive Council. He is also active in the American College of Cardiology as a topic leader for Noninvasive Imaging for the Annual Scientific Session, as well as Governor of his state's ACC Chapter.

“In the coming shift in reimbursement based on value rather than volume, our patient care will be measured by assessment of quality. Since education drives quality, meaningful education will be more important than ever to help providers of cardiovascular imaging meet these metrics”, says Dr. Abbott. “To meet this goal
ASNC's Board of Directors, Committee Chairs, and Executive Council have developed an innovative strategic plan designed to the needs of its members, and guide ASNC and the field of Nuclear Cardiology over the next few years. This plan will serve to maintain the essential role of Nuclear Cardiology as an important diagnostic and prognostic tool in the evaluation and management of patients with know or suspected cardiovascular disease. The pillars of this strategic plan will guide ASNC in the coming years to ‘Educate, Evaluate, Advocate and Collaborate' to meets the needs of our members, but most importantly our patients. Society leadership, committee members and staff will work to enhance programming at the live meetings, expand ASNC's online educational offerings, promote member participation in the ImageGuide registry for quality assessment and improvement, continue ASNC's active health policy efforts to preserve access to care and fair reimbursement, and will work closely with other professional societies and stakeholders, as we implement the priorities of the strategic plan. I look forward to the important work ahead, and thank all of you who support ASNC in realizing its mission and goals.”

See official press release



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