
ASNC2018 Sessions Livestreamed to 65 Countries

Physicians and technologists from around the world—hailing from 65 countries—accessed ASNC2018 sessions via livestreaming services supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
This marks the second year that ASNC and the IAEA have collaborated to disseminate annual meeting content to an international audience, thereby furthering the organizations' shared goal of improving the delivery and quality of nuclear cardiology around the world. 

Attendees had complimentary access to view a variety of sessions, including the opening plenary, featuring Mario Verani Lecturer and ASNC Past President Kim A. Williams, MD, MASNC, as well as ASNC2018 Program Chair Sharmila Dorbala, MD, MPH, FASNCASNC 2018 President Prem Soman, MD, PhD, MASNCIAEA Head of the Nuclear Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging Section Diana Paez, MD, and other nuclear cardiology leaders.

“Livestreaming ASNC2018 allowed many members who were unable to travel to San Francisco to participate in the program remotely,” says ASNC President Prem Soman, MD, MASNC. “We received many messages of appreciation. We thank our partner, the IAEA, for their support of this invaluable resource for the second consecutive year.”

ASNC and the IAEA are continuing other partnership initiatives, including the joint development of interactive educational materials for the IAEA's Human Health Campus.



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