
ASNC Informs Pennsylvania Members of the Patient Test Result Information Act

This communication is intended to update you on the unintended consequences of the Patient Test Result Information Act and to inform you of our efforts to inform key lawmakers and regulatory bodies of our concerns.
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed the Patient Test Result Information Act on October 24, and its provisions take effect December 23, 2018. The law applies to outpatient diagnostic imaging services and requires an imaging services entity to directly notify patients when a “significant abnormality” is found. Act 112 requires notification within 20 days after results are sent to the ordering practitioner.

Act 112 requires the imaging services entity to include the following information to the patient:
  • The name of the ordering practitioner
  • The date the test was performed
  • The date the results were sent to the ordering practitioner
  • Report summary or complete results of the imaging service
  • Contact information necessary to obtain the complete report
  • Notification of an abnormal finding and a recommendation that the patient contact the ordering practitioner
The following tests and services are exempt:
  • Routine obstetrical ultrasounds used to monitor the development of a fetus
  • Diagnostic services performed on an inpatient basis or in an emergency room
  • Diagnostic radiographs

Please view Quick Consult” from the Pennsylvania Medical Society for a more complete description of Act 112 and implementation guidelines.

ASNC agrees with the law's intent to further patient-physician communication and care coordination. An informed patient has a more accurate perception of risk, is able to make decisions more aligned with their goals and preferences, and is more comfortable with their decision. However, ASNC and many other cardiac societies are concerned that Act 112 could lead to unintended consequences such as patients requesting unnecessary tests, as well as patient and family dissatisfaction. To address these concerns, ASNC members and staff have been in contact with fellow medical societies, the Pennsylvania Medical Society, and other key stakeholders, and we expect this collaboration to continue.
ASNC will continue to provide updates through this process. Should you have questions, please contact Andy McKinley, Health Policy Director, at 703-459-2555 or

Kathleen B.  Flood



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