
ASNC Welcomes Rob Beanlands, MD, FASNC as its 26th President

On behalf of the nuclear cardiology community, we extend thanks to ASNC 2018 President Prem Soman, MD, PhD, MASNC, for his leadership and service during ASNC's 25th anniversary year.
Dr. Soman presided at ASNC during a period of tremendous activity, notably in the expansion of the ImageGuide Registry, and the growth of ASNC's educational portfolio to include new cardiac PET and cardiac amyloidosis programs. 
Please also join us in welcoming ASNC's new president, Rob Beanlands, MD, FASNC, who will begin his term as president on Jan. 1, 2019. Dr. Beanlands is the chair and division head of cardiology at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and director of its National Cardiac PET Centre. He also is a professor in the university's division of cardiology, department of radiology, and department of cellular and molecular medicine.
A founding member of ASNC and a longtime associate editor of the Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, Dr. Beanlands has enjoyed being part of the Society “during its whole lifetime.” He has served on the education, finance, audit and quality committees; and ASNC's PET Task Force, appearing as featured faculty at ASNC2017's Pet Track session and 2014's popular PET Summit. He has also served as Program Chair and Vice Program Chair of ASNC2011 and ASNC2012, respectively. He has functioned as an At-Large Member of ASNC's Board of Directors from 2009-2012, Board Treasurer in 2015, Secretary in 2016 and Vice President in 2017.
He is enthusiastic about the evolution of multimodality imaging and nuclear cardiology's role in diagnosis, prognosis and guiding therapy. “The key element is in the guiding therapy,” he says. “As new therapies emerge so, too, will follow the strength of nuclear imaging, which is understanding the biological processes in the heart and the vasculature that are going to help us to decide the treatments for patients and improve their outcomes.”
Watch this video to hear Dr. Beanlands share insights about the future of nuclear cardiology and the important initiatives underway at ASNC.



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