
11 Practical Dilemmas Will Tackle at Nuclear Cardiology Today 2019

Clear, candid conversation between faculty and attendees on the real, everyday challenges faced by nuclear cardiology teams. Direct, no-sugarcoating discussion about the practical dilemmas that aren't covered in guidelines. Straight talk about how to take your lab to the next level.
You'll get all of these and more at Nuclear Cardiology Today 2019: Practical Approaches to Optimizing the Value of Nuclear Cardiology, April 12-14, 2019, in Palm Harbor, Fla (just outside of Tampa). Plus the opportunity to attend a cardiac amyloidosis workshop on Friday morning, just before the start of NC Today, for free! 
Course Directors Dennis A. Calnon, MD, FASNC, and Dennis G. Wolinsky, MD, MASNC, offer a sneak peek at just a few of the many practical dilemmas NC Today we'll tackle this year:
1.            The patient has severe side effects following vasodilator stress, but aminophylline is not available. What are the options?
2.            Is there a role for cardiac testing in patients with connective-tissue disease?
3.            Is there a better cardiac imaging study than MPI to assess left main stent patency?
4.            Can ER patients with borderline stress tests or CTA be discharged to complete their work-up as an outpatient? 
5.            Can a definitive diagnosis of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy be made without invasive angiography? 
6.            How can I make my SPECT images look better?
7.            Is vasodilator stress safe in a patient with first-degree heart block, LAHB, RBBB and resting HR of 48
8.            Can calcium scoring alter clinical management of patients referred for SPECT/CT or PET/CT?
9.            What should I do when an asymptomatic patient is referred for SPECT MPI prior to cataract surgery?
10.          What is the impact of the new primary prevention guidelines on my nuclear cardiology practice?
11.          Is there ever value to imaging asymptomatic patients post PCI or CABG?



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