
Big Impact: Gratitude and Best Wishes to Jim Boxall for His Accomplishments as ASNC's First Advocacy Staff

After several years as a health policy specialist in cardiology, Jim Boxall is retiring. He has seen a lot, including ASNC's growth in the advocacy arena.
He became ASNC's first advocacy staffer in 1999. It was a shared position, with his time split equally between ASNC and the American College of Cardiology. In short order, Mr. Boxall became ASNC's liaison to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), local Medicare carriers and other agencies. 
“Those were hectic times,” recalls William Van Decker, MD, FASNC, who was ASNC's early health advisor “Jim laid the groundwork for all of the work we've done then and since in the health policy, reimbursement and regulatory arenas.”
Mr. Boxall helped ASNC establish its Senior Health Policy Committee and was key to engaging the Society's membership in health policy issues, says Dr. Van Decker. He points to the thoughtful, reasoned comments letters that Mr. Boxall drafted as essential early steps for growing ASNC's credibility with CMS and the Relative Value Update Committee. “Jim was also instrumental to us working with the NRC on CBNC certification and cardiology access to nuclear licensing,” he says. “He helped us develop relationships with the ACC, the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, and the American College of Radiology.”
Kathy Flood, who worked with Mr. Boxall for more than a decade before she became ASNC's CEO, remembers his talent for tracking regulations and legislation at the state level. “Jim had a remarkable ability to shape policy before legislation was filed,” she says.  
“Jim was always professional, thoughtful, with a desire to be helpful,” Dr. Van Decker adds. “He was a good steady hand for melding all the inputs to create a sound basis for what ASNC Health Policy has grown to be. We are appreciative for the service he gave to the founding ASNC group, and we wish him the best in retirement.



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