
Get SoMe Smart: Learn to Leverage Twitter, LinkedIn, Other Channels at ASNC2019

Ready to grow your network, enhance your personal brand and make your voice heard in key healthcare debates? The brand-new ASNC2019 track “Scintillating Learning Through Social Media,” will answer all of your questions, such as...
  •        Which social media platforms make the most sense for busy clinicians?
  •        How will social media benefit your career, your practice and your patients?
  •        What pitfalls should you avoid?
  •        How much time does it take to build a productive social media presence?
  •        How might social media help you grow your community, connect with mentors, and expand your influence?
  •        How is social media impacting nuclear cardiology? How can you help steer key conversations? 
Bring your smart phone and/or tablet to these sessions because the ASNC team will be on hand to help you set up your profile and ease you into the social media universe. Before you know it, right there at ASNC2019, you'll be tweeting alongside cardiologists who are happy to show you around the Twittersphere – they'll show you whom to follow and how to attract your own following; how to post effective tweets, retweet, reply, tag individuals and organizations; and how you can join the many conversations about cardiovascular disease, practice and research are occurring on social media.
Conversations that have been occurring without you! Change that at ASNC2019!
There's more! Connect with experienced and new Tweeters at ASNC's TweetUp Social from 6 to 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 13.
We'll see you in the loop (the social media loop and Chicago's famous Loop) Sept. 12-15 in Chicago. 



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