Pipeline Predictions: ASNC2019 Session Will Preview Tomorrow's Radiotracers
- By: admin
- On: 09/03/2019 11:50:49
- In: Annual Meeting
ASNC2019 participants are invited to attend “New Radiotracers in the Pipeline,” an Advanced Track session featuring updates on eagerly anticipated tracers as well as the predictions of leaders who have their ears to the ground to hear of new developments.
While she's not willing to rule out the possibility of breaking news for faculty and attendees to parse through together, ASNC2019 Program Chair Panithaya Chareonthaitawee, MD, sees this session as ideal for “sharing insights into the future—what's coming, how soon and how to adjust your planning to include exciting new developments—and for brainstorming together about opportunities to leverage innovations to advance patient care.”The pipeline is packed with potential, she adds, pointing to “flurpiridaz, which is on the horizon,” and florbetapir and NaF, “which could join PYP as tools for helping diagnose and manage cardiac amyloidosis.”
Timothy M. Bateman, MD, MASNC, will present on flurpiridaz and Edward J. Miller, MD, PhD, FASNC, on PET-based amyloid tracers. Rounding out the session will be Jeroen J. Bax, MD, PhD, FASNC, sharing whether he thinks it's “time to bid farewell to mIBG” and Robert J. Gropler, MD, MASNC, updating attendees on the novel use of agents F18 rhodamine and annexin-V.
“We have FDA approval of mIBG, but it hasn't been widely incorporated into clinical cardiac use,” Dr. Chareonthaitawee explains. “Personally, I'm eager to hear whether Dr. Bax sees other uses for mIBG and if Dr. Gropler thinks the novel agents could help us make more definitive diagnoses of inflammatory cardiomyopathies and conditions.”
“New Radiotracers in the Pipeline” will convene Friday, Sept. 13.