
ASNC CEO Speaks on Mo-99 Supply, Patients' Access to SPECT at NorthStar Event

In September, ASNC CEO Kathy Flood spoke to an audience of nuclear medicine leaders, representatives from the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration, and others at a special event marking nearly one year of continuous domestic Mo-99 supply by NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes in Wisconsin. 
Ms. Flood's remarks focused on why having “a steady, uninterrupted supply of Mo-99” is essential to ASNC members and the patients they serve. She thanked the NorthStar leaders and employees for their commitment to providing a tool that is fundamental to providing standard-of-care cardiac SPECT testing and achieving ASNC's “mission of improving cardiovascular outcomes through image-guided patient management.”

NorthStar maintains headquarters in Beloit, Wis., as well as facilities in Madison, Wis., and Columbia, Mo. 



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