
Thank You from ASNC2019 Program Chair

In this personal message to ASNC2019 attendees, Program Chair Panithaya Chareonthaitawee, MD, shares key metrics and moments from conference and invites YOU to make suggestions for ASNC2020.  
Dear Colleagues,

Before another day passes, I want to thank you for making ASNC2019 a huge success. Not only did we achieve record onsite attendance, but we also had colleagues from 50 countries joining the meeting via livestream. And, to my delight, individuals from all over the world joined the #ASNC2019 conversation via social media. We achieved 9 million Twitter impressions from our 3-day meeting! The power of Twitter—I hope you're part of it. A special thank-you to ASNC's social media ambassadors for launching our dedicated social media track and tutoring us on how to use these powerful platforms.  
Before we put a bow on our 2019 conference and move on to planning next year's meeting (September 24-27, 2020, in D.C.—mark your calendar!), let me share a few of favorite moments from ASNC2019:
  • Dr. Clyde Yancy's keynote on healthcare disparities and diversity in the workforce. He outlined a practical, 3-step approach to inequities that I've begun implementing in my daily practice: Listen (to your patients). Pause (and check your assumptions at the door). Recruit (a diversity of opinions and workforce).
  • Dr. John Mahmarian's and ASNC President Rob Beanlands' optimism. Yes, nuclear cardiology is well-positioned to weather the CT-FFR storm and execute ASNC's vision for the future.
  • Hearing directly from the authors of the new ASNC/multisocietal document on multimodality imaging in cardiac amyloidosis.
  • The Clash of the Photons debates, where I learned and I laughed, and everyone was a winner!
  • The Mindful Myocardium plenary session. The link between emotional stress and cardiovascular risk is being recognized, and has huge implications for patient care.
  • Welcoming leaders from other imaging organizations all together under one roof.
  • Heterogenous, cutting-edge research presented by a diverse group of investigators.
  • Audience participation in ALL of the sessions I attended!
  • Community and collegiality. I love that ASNC has become my venue for connecting with old friends, mentors, mentees and other new colleagues – and meeting new people who share my interests and priorities.

I hope that you enjoyed the meeting as much as I did, and that I will see you at ASNC2020! Please take a few minutes to give us some feedback. Your responses to any, or all, of the following questions will help us plan another terrific meeting that meets your needs. You can reply directly to

1. Which ASNC2019 session(s) were outstanding?
2. Which ASNC2019 session(s) could be eliminated?
3. What are your new ideas for ASNC2020? We welcome any new ideas for session. Feel free to suggest faculty.
4. Are you satisfied with the format of the sessions? If not, what changes would you recommend?

Thanks again! See you September 24-27, 2020, in Washington, D.C. 

Panithaya Chareonthaitawee, MD
ASNC2019 Program Chair




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