ASNC2019 Meeting on Demand - Your 24/7 Educational Powerhouse
Did you miss out on ASNC2019, Nuclear Cardiology's meeting of the year? Or do you, like many attendees, feel like you barely scratched the surface of the education offered in Chicago? Good news—it's not too late to tap into ASNC's educational juggernaut.
With ASNC2019 Meeting On Demand, you'll have ‘round-the-clock access to more than 64 hours of CME content, including top-rated sessions on topics such as bone scintigraphy for diagnosing cardiac amyloidosis, augmenting relative perfusion for ischemic heart disease management, when and how to investigate cardiac sarcoidosis, machine learning and big data, and imaging to delineate the brain-heart continuum. DOWNLOAD ASNC2019 MEETING ON DEMAND.