
Nuclear Cardiology in Practice 2016

The training course, “Nuclear Cardiology in Practice 2016” taught by Dr. Richard Underwood and Dr. Eliana Reyes will be held at the Royal Brompton, Harefield and Royal Marsden Hospitals May 23-27, 2016.  This course is suitable for all professionals interested in cardiac imaging, qualifying for basic specialist training and providing advanced skills for those already in practice.
The 21st annual Royal Brompton & Harefield course,  “Nuclear Cardiology in Practice 2016”  is organized by Dr. Richard Underwood and Dr. Eliana Reyes and will be held at the Royal Brompton, Harefield and Royal Marsden Hospitals May 23-27, 2016.  

This course is desgined for cardiology or nuclear medicine specialty trainees, as well as established specialists, nurse stressors, radiographers, technicians or anyone else interested in cardiac imaging.  It is the most established and among the best received of such courses in the UK and beyond, and it continues to provide a mix of didactic teaching and practical sessions with hands-on teaching from an internationally renowned faculty.  There is an emphasis on reporting skills and on cases presented in clinically relevant settings alongside complementary imaging techniques such as echocardiography, CMR and X-ray CT. 

The sessions are suitable for all professionals interested in cardiac imaging, qualifying for basic specialist training and providing advanced skills for those already in practice. Click here for more information about the training course:



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