How to Use the New Absolute Quantitation of Myocardial Blood Flow Code
After years of work by ASNC, a new category I code for the Absolute Quantitation of Myocardial Blood (AQMBF) Flow went into effect on Jan. 1, 2020. AQMBF provides risk stratification for patients with coronary disease and nonischemic cardiomyopathies above and beyond the data from static perfusion imaging. It also can be used for identifying patients with poor response to vasodilator stress or high-risk coronary artery disease.
The code's full descriptor is #+78434, Absolute quantitation of myocardial blood flow (AQMBF), positron emission tomography, rest and pharmacologic stress Coding Tips
- 78434 should be listed separately in addition to the code for the primary procedure.
- 78434 should be used in conjunction with 78431- PET/CT- Perfusion Multiple (Rb/Am) or 78492- PET- Perfusion Multiple (Rb/Am).