New Patient Confidence Toolkit Helps You Connect with Patients and Referring Clinicians
- By: admin
- On: 07/24/2020 23:42:14
- In: Membership
As many practices work to reboot their practices post-COVID-19 shutdowns, ASNC members report that concerns about the virus are preventing some patients from rescheduling postponed appointments and seeking care for cardiac symptoms. ASNC's COVID-19 Patient Confidence Toolkit provides customizable tools for contacting patients, explaining the risks of delaying care, and detailing safety measures that practices are implementing to prevent coronavirus transmission.
"Unfortunately, some patients have concluded that their hearts can wait," says ASNC President Sharmila Dorbala, MD, MPH, FASNC. "They don't realize that putting off tests and necessary procedures can have long-lasting impacts. ASNC members can use the tools in ASNC's COVID-19 Patient Confidence Toolkit to contact and reassure their patients and referring providers."The toolkit includes --
- Digital and print-friendly poster illustrating safety measures that practices are taking: Print "Keeping You Safe Because Your Heart Can't Wait" and hang it in your waiting and exam rooms. Or email the digital version along with the patient letter provided in the toolkit.
- Customizable letter templates for patients and referring clinicans: Download these sample letters, tailor them to your practice, and send them to patients and clinicians who need reassurance.
These tools were developed from a number of resources ASNC created along with partnering organizations to help nuclear cardiology labs address the concerns and challenges of reopening labs.
These resources include --
- Guidance and Best Practices for Reestablishment of Non-Emergent Care in Nuclear Cardiology Laboratories During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic: An Information Statement from ASNC, IAEA and SNMMI: Endorsed by the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
- Questions and Answers from the Guidance and Best Practices for Reestablishment of Non-emergent Care in NC Labs: Succinct feedback written by authors of ASNC's best practices documents in response to questions submitted by clinicians around the world.
For practices in areas experiencing SARS-CoV-2 resurgence, ASNC's toolkit also includes the following guidance documents:
- Guidance and Best Practices for Nuclear Cardiology Laboratories During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic: An Information Statement from ASNC and SNMMI; and
- Guidance and Best Practices for Nuclear Cardiology Laboratories During COVID-19: Downloadable e-poster.
ASNC members have exclusive access to the COVID-19 Patient Confidence Toolkit. We invite you to download and use the tools, and share your feedback with us at or on Twitter @MyASNC.