
Motown Virtual Amyloidosis Symposium Convenes This Saturday, Aug. 15

This is a call for collaboration: Bring Your Region Together to Improve Care for Cardiac Amyloidosis Patients. Please join Karthik Ananthasubramaniam, MD, FASNC, of the Henry Ford Health System, and Aiden Abidov, MD, of Wayne State University School of Medicine, for the Motown Virtual Amyloidosis Symposium
This two-part virtual program will facilitate regional learning, collaboration, and networking among healthcare professionals involved in the care of patients with suspected or confirmed cardiac amyloidosis. 


Part 1, "Cardiac Amyloidosis 101," will be held this Saturday, Aug. 15, from 10:00 AM to noon (Eastern time). Regional experts will detail how the field's understanding of the condition has shifted, including when to suspect cardiac amyloidosis and how to screen, which patients to refer for testing and where to send them, current options for diagnosis and treatment, and how to expand regional collaboration. REGISTER NOW

Part 2, "Multimodality Imaging in Diagnosis of Cardiac Amyloidosis," will convene Saturday, Aug. 29, from 10:00 AM to noon (Eastern Time) for case-based learning on how to employ echo, Tc99m-PYP, MRI, and PET for accurate diagnoses that inform disease management. REGISTER TODAY

The program was developed for all providers on nuclear cardiology/medicine teams as well as their referring colleagues. ASNC members attend for free. The fee for non-members is $50. Join ASNC and SAVE! 

Both parts of this program will be delivered virtually on ASNC's interactive learning platform. Registrants will receive a link to join the program. Attendees will be eligible to earn 2 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for each session. 

Not in the Midwest but eager to collaborate on behalf of amyloidosis patients? ASNC has you covered with upcoming "On the Road" virtual amyloidosis symposia, including:  The "On the Road" activities are supported by an educational grant from Pfizer, Inc. 



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