
Mayo Clinic Team Demonstrates Benefits of Collaborative Case Interpretation

On Sept. 23, ASNC2020's third "Cases with the Aces" session showcased the advantages of collaborative case-reading as Mayo Clinic faculty presented 13 cases divided across three categories: sarcoidosis/inflammation, amyloidosis/PYP, and FDG-PET infection imaging.  

"We're replicating our reading environment here at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, where every nuclear cardiology study is interpreted by consensus reading with a nuclear cardiologist and a nuclear radiologist sitting side by side," explained Panithaya Chareonthaitawee, MD. "Every patient benefits from this arrangement. The only people missing here are our trainees, both radiology and cardiology, who also read with us every day."
Dr. Chareonthaitawee was joined by nuclear cardiologist and heart failure specialist Omar F. Abouezzeddine, MDCM, and radiologist Andrew C. Homb, MD.

From the case presentations, learners got a look at how the Mayo team reads cases and how their reports read. Here are a few highlights of what they covered: 
  • Protocols for cardiac sarcoid PET, PYP, and cardiac device infection imaging; 
  • How they use "dedicated cardiac data" and whole-body images to trouble-shoot and problem-solve;  
  • What they expect to see vs. what they look for on whole-body images "based on where sarcoidosis likes to go";  
  • How they use inflammatory data to help with clinical decision-making; 
  • Examples of when extra-cardiac data helps with cardiac diagnosis;  
  • The benefits of using both cardiac and radiologic image display platforms
  • Salient points from the ASNC/multisociety cardiac amyloidosis guidelines and recent studies; 
  • Why not to rely on software-generated scores or ratios when assessing for cardiac amyloidosis;
  • The importance of reviewing monoclonal proteins and light chains in amyloidosis; 
  • Why it helps to suppress the myocardium and perform imaging before starting infection patients on antibiotics; and 
  • Much more!
ASNC2020 continues with the Main Program on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 25-26, 
followed by more "Cases with the Aces" on Sept. 30 and Oct. 7. 



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