Call to Action: This Is Our Chance to Fix Pennsylvania's Flawed Act 112
Work on modifying PA Act 112, "The Patient Test Result Information Act" is ongoing. This Pennsylvania law requires any entity performing a diagnostic imaging service to notify the patient (or patient's designee) within 20 days when “significant abnormalities may exist." This law includes nuclear cardiology and molecular imaging.
While the intent of the law is admirable, implementing this legislation has presented considerable challenges. The term “significant abnormality” is vague and in individual situations is open to interpretation. In short, Act 112 is creating confusion for clinicians and health systems as well as anxiety and fear among patients.ASNC is continuing to collaborate with the ACC's PA Chapter, ACC, ASE, and the PA Medical Society legislation to amend this flawed law. HB 2103 was introduced by Rep. Barry Jozwiak (R-Berks), passed the PA House by a unanimous vote last week, and is now before the PA Senate Health & Human Services Committee. HB 2103 amends current law by allowing an entity providing a diagnostic imaging service to provide notice to the patient at the time of the imaging service stating the results of the test will be sent to the ordering provider.
Please connect with your legislator TODAY through phone calls, letters, and emails. Ask them to support passage of HB 2103. This bill will help Pennsylvania's cardiologists and cardiovascular patients.
For more information, please contact ASNC at