
Nuclear Cardiology Choosing Wisely Challenge 2016

The time is right. Let's THINK BIG in the field of nuclear cardiology and molecular imaging. The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) has been a great supporter of clinical and technological innovations and advances in nuclear cardiology since its inception. It is our goal to further establish ASNC as the "INNOVATION INCUBATOR."

When ASNC's Board of Directors met recently to develop new strategic goals and refine the organization's vision for the future, they realized ASNC needed to build on its earlier support of Wintergreen Technology & Research Summits and convening industry/scientists in think tank-style events.

With that in mind, ASNC is proud to announce an exciting new initiative - the Nuclear Cardiology Choosing Wisely Challenge, an incentive-based prize competition to foster and showcase novel approaches, technologies, and processes in nuclear cardiology. 
The inaugural showcase of the ASNC Choosing Wisely Challenge will focus specifically on innovative and creative solutions currently being used in nuclear cardiology practice that supports the ABIM Choosing Wisely campaign. Choosing Wisely, an initiative of the ABIM Foundation, aims to promote conversations between clinicians and patients by helping patients choose care that is:
  • Supported by evidence
  • Not duplicative of other tests or procedures already received
  • Free from harm
  • Truly necessary
The ASNC Choosing Wisely Challenge is open to all ASNC members. In addition, non ASNC members may participate as part of a team, as long as at least one team member is an ASNC member.

A judging panel will evaluate all submissions and select three finalists, each who will present their innovations solutions during a special session at ASNC2016 in Florida. In addition to a cash prize and complimentary 2017 ASNC membership, the winners of this challenge will receive tremendous exposure and support from ASNC in widely publicizing and recognizing their innovative work and potential help in developing and furthering their solutions.

ASNC thanks Bracco Diagnostics Inc. for their support!

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