
Reactor Update: Mo-99 Supply Issues Persist Following HFR Shutdown

On Thursday, January 27, ASNC alerted members about an unplanned shutdown of the high flux reactor (HFR) in Petten, Netherlands, due to a water leak in a cooling system. At that time, the Nuclear Medicine Europe Emergency Response Team (NMEu ERT) expected the shutdown would cause Mo-99 shipment delays into this week. New NMEu reporting indicates the HFR reactor did not resume operations as planned, and options for restoring functionality are being considered. 
Research reactors and Mo-99 producers are taking actions to limit the impact on Mo-99 / Tc-99m supply, but shortages may be possible until approximately one week after February 12, when the BR2 Belgian reactor is scheduled to restart. The next update from the HFR operator will be available Monday, February 7. 

ASNC will keep you informed. 

For information on how these issues may affect your practice, contact your radioisotope provider.



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