
ASNC and 100+ Medical Societies Push Congress: 'End the Destructive Cycle of Annual Medicare Cuts'

Last week, ASNC joined the American Medical Association (AMA) and more than 100 other medical societies in a letter urging congressional leaders to work with the physician community to enact long-term solutions to the systemic problems in the Medicare physician payment system and take action to prevent scheduled cuts from going into effect in 2023.

New Analysis Reveals Worrisome Findings

Citing a new analysis of Medicare Trustees data, the letter emphasizes these key points:  
  • Medicare physician payment has been reduced by 20 percent adjusted for inflation from 2001-2021, and
  • Physicians are the only Medicare providers not receiving an inflationary update in 2023. 

AMA analysis of Medicare Trustee data shows Medicare updates compared to inflation 2001-2021. LEARN MORE.

Societies Outline Action Plan for Congress 

In their letter to Congress, ASNC and the other national specialty and state medical societies detail why they are "deeply alarmed about the mounting financial instability of the Medicare physician payment system" and ask lawmakers to take the following actions before the end of 2022: 
  • Provide relief from the scheduled -4.42 percent budget-neutrality cut in Medicare Physician Fee Schedule payments.
  • End the statutory annual freeze and provide a Medicare Economic Index update for the coming year.
  • Extend the 5 percent Advanced Alternative Payment Model (AAPM) participation incentive and halt the impossible-to-meet revenue threshold increase for five years to encourage more physicians to transition from fee-for-service into AAPMs.
  • Waive the 4 percent PAYGO sequester triggered by passage of the American Rescue Plan Act.
ASNC and the other groups are eager to help. "The physician community stands ready to work with Congress to develop long-term solutions to the systemic problems with the Medicare physician payment system and preserve patient access," they wrote. 

Stay tuned to ASNC for updates on congressional action on Medicare physician payment system reforms. 



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