Choosing Wisely Campaign

About the Choosing Wisely Campaign
Choosing Wisely® is a national initiative of the ABIM Foundation to help physicians and patients to engage in conversations about the appropriate use of medical tests and procedures, with the goal of promoting wise choices by clinicians in order to improve health outcomes, provide patient-centered care that avoids unnecessary and even harmful interventions, and reduce the rapidly-expanding costs of our nation's health care system.

As part of Choosing Wisely, the ABIM Foundation has joined with leading medical specialty societies - including the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) - to identify lists of "Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question" that provide specific, evidence-based recommendations physicians and patients should discuss to help make wise decisions about the most appropriate care based on their individual situation. These lists are intended to stimulate discussion about the need - or lack thereof - for many frequently ordered tests or treatments.

ASNC has developed a list of five recommendations that should be discussed by cardiac imaging patients and physicians to help make wise decisions about the most appropriate care for each individual patient. View ASNC's list of recommendations. ASNC has also developed a helpful tip sheet for patients and providers on "Imaging Stress Tests: When You Need them for Your Heart, and When You Don't."  View this tip sheet.

To learn more about the Choosing Wisely campaign, please go to