ASNC Virtual CV Molecular Imaging Seminars

Thank you for your interest in the ASNC Virtual CV Molecular Imaging Seminars series. These highly interactive webinars include a didactic session on biology and disease pathophysiology followed by research presentations from trainees at various molecular imaging laboratories.

If you missed a session, you can access the recordings below.

ASNC Virtual CV Molecular Imaging Seminars

Share your experience on Twitter! Tag @MyASNC with #molecularimaging

If your laboratory is interested in presenting in a future session, please contact one of the Course Organizers:

Sharmila Dorbala, MD, MPH. Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Mehran M. Sadeghi, MD, Yale University School of Medicine
Wunan Zhou, MD, MPH. NIH- NHLBI
Date Topic Presenters

 Tuesday, May 12

Atherosclerosis (Part 1)
  1. Didactic lecture: Peter Libby, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
  2. Research presentation: Laboratory of James Thackeray, PhD, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH), Germany
 Discussant: Mehran Sadeghi, MD  
 Moderator: Sharmila Dorbala, MD, MPH
 Thursday, May 14 Atherosclerosis (Part 2) Recording  
  1. Didactic lecture: Pamela Woodard, MD
    Washington University in St. Louis
  2. Research presentation: Laboratory of Nehal Mehta, MD,
 Discussant: Mehran Sadeghi, MD
 Moderator: Wunan Zhou, MD, MPH 

Tuesday, May 19 New Technologies in
Nuclear Cardiology (Part 1)
  1. Didactic lecture: Albert Sinusas, MD, Yale University School of Medicine
  2. Research presentation: Laboratory of Mehran Sadeghi, MD,
    Yale University School of Medicine
 Discussant: Ernie Garcia, PhD
 Moderator: Wunan Zhou, MD, MPH

 Thursday, May 21 New Technologies in
Nuclear Cardiology (Part 2)
  1. Didactic lecture: Robert Gropler, MD, Washington University in St. Louis
  2. Research presentation: Laboratory of Marc Dweck, MD, The University of Edinburgh, UK
 Discussant: Peter Caravan, PhD 
 Moderator: Mehran Sadeghi, MD

 Wednesday, May 27 Vascular
Calcification Recording
  1. Didactic lecture: Elena Aikawa, MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School
  2. Research presentation: Laboratory of Piotr Slomka, PhD, Cedar- Sinai Medical Center
 Discussant: Zahi Fayad, PhD
 Moderator: Wunan Zhou, MD, MPH
 Wednesday, June 3 Transthyretin
Amyloidosis Recording
  1. Didactic lecture: Jeffery W. Kelly, PhD, Scripps Research
  2. Research presentation:  Syed Bukhari, MD  Laboratory of Prem Soman, MD, PhD, MASNC University of  Pittsburgh Medical Center
 Discussant: Edward J. Miller, MD, PhD, FASNC
 Moderator: Sarah Cuddy, MB BCh BAO

 Wednesday, June 10 Cardiovascular
Inflammation Recording
  1. Didactic lecture: Matthias Nahrendorf, MD, PhD,
    Harvard Medical School
  2. Research presentation: Michael T. Osborne, MD and Shady Abohashem, MD - Laboratory of Ahmed Tawakol, MD, Harvard Medical School
 Discussant: James Thackeray, PhD
 Moderator: Sina​Tavakoli, MD, PhD

 Wednesday, June 17 Coronary Microvascular
Dysfunction (Part 1) Recording
  1. Didactic lecture: Paolo G. Camici, MD, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Italy
  2. Research presentation: Attila Feher, MD, PhD  Laboratory of Albert Sinusas, MD, Yale University School of Medicine
 Discussant: Venkatesh Murthy, MD, PhD
 Moderator: Brittany Weber, MD, PhD
 Wednesday, June 24 Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction (Part 2) Recording  
  1. Didactic lecture: Marcelo Di Carli, MD, MASNC, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
  2. Research presentation:   Ali Ahmadi, MD and Christiane Wiefels, MD The Laboratory of Rob Beanlands, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Canada                                        
 Moderator: Sharmila Dorbala, MD, MPH
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